Linux Cubed Series 2: Applications
Linux Cubed Series 2 - Applications.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
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/* header for event driven mosfet simulator. Chris Terman (6/84) */
typedef struct Event *evptr;
typedef struct Node *nptr;
typedef struct Trans *tptr;
typedef struct Input *iptr;
typedef struct Tlist *lptr;
typedef struct HistEnt *hptr;
typedef struct Bits *bptr;
typedef struct thevenin *Thev;
typedef unsigned long Ulong;
typedef unsigned int Uint;
typedef unsigned char Uchar;
typedef int (*ifun)();
struct Tlist
lptr next; /* next list element */
tptr xtor; /* txtor connected to this node */
struct Event
evptr flink, blink; /* doubly-linked event list */
evptr nlink; /* link for list of events for this node */
nptr enode; /* node this event is all about */
nptr cause; /* node which caused this event to happen */
hptr hist; /* ptr. to history entry that queued this */
long oldt; /* original time for delayed events */
} p;
long ntime; /* time, in DELTAs, of this event */
long delay; /* delay associated with this event */
short rtime; /* rise/fall time, in DELTAs */
Uchar eval; /* new value */
Uchar type; /* type of event (for incremental only) */
typedef struct
short delay; /* delay from input */
short rtime; /* rise/fall time */
} RegTimes;
typedef struct
Uint delay : 12; /* delay from input */
Uint rtime : 10; /* rise/fall time */
Uint ptime : 10; /* punt time */
} PuntTimes;
typedef struct HistEnt
hptr next; /* next transition in history */
Ulong time : sizeof(Ulong) * 8 - 4; /* time of transition */
Uint inp : 1; /* 1 if node became an input */
Uint punt : 1; /* 1 if this event was punted */
Uint val : 2; /* value: HIGH, LOW, or X */
RegTimes r;
PuntTimes p;
} t;
} HistEnt;
#define MAX_TIME ( (~((Ulong) 0)) >> 4 ) /* a huge time */
extern Ulong max_time; /* contains MAX_TIME (compiler bug) */
struct Node
nptr nlink; /* sundries list */
evptr events; /* charge sharing event */
lptr ngate; /* list of xtors w/ gates connected to this node */
lptr nterm; /* list of xtors w/ src/drn connected to this node */
nptr hnext; /* link in hash bucket */
float ncap; /* capacitance of node in pf */
float vlow; /* low logic threshold for node, normalized units */
float vhigh; /* high logic threshold for node, normalized units */
short tplh; /* low to high transition time in DELTA's */
short tphl; /* high to low transition time in DELTA's */
Ulong time; /* time, in DELTAs, of last transistion */
float cap; /* incremental capacitance during net-changes */
evptr event; /* non threaded events in incremental simulation */
} c;
nptr cause; /* node which caused last transition of this node */
hptr punts; /* punted events during incremental simulation */
tptr tran; /* transistor into which stacked xtors were merged */
} t;
short npot; /* current potential */
short oldpot; /* old potential (for incremental simulation). */
long nflags; /* flag word (see defs below) */
char *nname; /* ascii name of node */
Thev thev; /* used to temporarily store the thevenin structure */
nptr next; /* used to build node lists during net changes */
tptr tran; /* used to mark parallel transistors */
} n;
HistEnt head; /* first entry in transition history */
hptr curr; /* ptr. to current history entry */
#ifdef FAULT_SIM
HistEnt hchange; /* special entry to avoid changing the history */
typedef struct /* same as Res_1 but indexed dynamic resists */
float dynres[ 2 ]; /* dynamic resistances [R_LOW - R_MAX] */
float rstatic; /* static resistance of transistor */
Ulong width, length; /* transistor size in centimicrons */
} Resists;
#define R_LOW 0 /* dynamic low resiatance index */
#define R_HIGH 1 /* dynamic high resiatance index */
#define dynlow dynres[ R_LOW ] /* abbrevations for above */
#define dynhigh dynres[ R_HIGH ]
typedef union
Thev r;
tptr t;
int i;
} TCache;
typedef union
long pos;
tptr ptr;
} TPos;
struct Trans
nptr gate, source, drain; /* nodes to which trans is connected */
TCache scache, dcache; /* caches to remember src/drn values */
Uchar ttype; /* type of transistor */
Uchar state; /* cache to remember current state */
Uchar tflags; /* transistor flags */
Uchar n_par; /* index into parallel list */
Resists *r; /* transistor resistances */
tptr tlink; /* next txtor in position hash table */
TPos x, y; /* position in the layout (optional) */
typedef struct Bits
bptr next; /* next bit vector in chain */
char *name; /* name of this vector of bits */
int traced; /* <>0 if this vector is being traced */
int nbits; /* number of bits in this vector */
nptr nodes[1]; /* pointers to the bits (nodes) */
} Bits;
/* linked list of inputs */
struct Input
iptr next; /* next element of list */
nptr inode; /* pointer to this input node */
/* transistor types (ttype) */
#define NCHAN 0 /* n-channel enhancement */
#define PCHAN 1 /* p-channel enhancement */
#define DEP 2 /* depletion */
#define RESIST 3 /* simple two-terminal resistor */
#define TYPERESERVED 4 /* reserved for future transistor types */
#define ALWAYSON 0x02 /* transistors not affected by gate logic */
#define GATELIST 0x08 /* set if gate of xistor is a node list */
#define STACKED 0x10 /* transistor was stacked into gate list */
#define ORED 0x20 /* result of or'ing parallel transistors */
#define ORLIST 0x40 /* part of an or'ed transistor */
#define TCAP 0x80 /* transistor capacitor (source == drain) */
#define NTTYPES 4 /* number of transistor types defined */
#define BASETYPE( T ) ( (T) & 0x07 )
/* transistor states (state)*/
#define OFF 0 /* non-conducting */
#define ON 1 /* conducting */
#define UNKNOWN 2 /* unknown */
#define WEAK 3 /* weak */
/* transistor temporary flags (tflags) */
#define CROSSED 0x01 /* Mark for crossing a transistor */
#define BROKEN 0x02 /* Mark a broken transistor to avoid loop */
#define PBROKEN 0x04 /* Mark as broken a parallel transistor */
#define PARALLEL 0x08 /* Mark as being a parallel transistor */
#define ACTIVE_T 0x10 /* incremental status of transistor */
/* figure what's on the *other* terminal node of a transistor */
#define other_node( T, N ) ((T)->drain == (N) ? (T)->source : (T)->drain)
/* node potentials */
#define LOW 0 /* low low */
#define X 1 /* unknown, intermediate, ... value */
#define X_X 2
#define HIGH 3 /* logic high */
#define N_POTS 4 /* number of potentials [LOW-HIGH] */
#define DECAY 4 /* waiting to decay to X (only in events) */
/* possible values for nflags */
#define DEVIATED 0x000001 /* node's state differs from hist */
#define POWER_RAIL 0x000002
#define ALIAS 0x000004
#define USERDELAY 0x000008
#define INPUT 0x000010
#define WATCHED 0x000020
#define WATCHVECTOR 0x000040
#define STOPONCHANGE 0x000080
#define STOPVECCHANGE 0x000100
#define VISITED 0x000200
#define MERGED 0x000400 /* node is whithin a txtor stack */
#define DELETED 0x000800 /* node was deleted */
#define H_INPUT 0x001000 /* node is in high input list */
#define L_INPUT 0x002000 /* node is in low input list */
#define U_INPUT 0x003000 /* node is in U input list */
#define X_INPUT 0x004000 /* node is in X input list */
#define IsInList( flg ) ( (flg) & INPUT_MASK )
#define INPUT_NUM( flg ) ( ((flg) & INPUT_MASK) >> 12 )
#define CHANGED 0x008000 /* node is affected by a net change */
#define STIM 0x010000 /* node is used as stimuli */
#define ACTIVE_CL 0x020000 /* node is in an active cluster */
#define WAS_ACTIVE 0x040000 /* set if node was ever active */
/* resistance types */
#define STATIC 0 /* static resistance */
#define DYNHIGH 1 /* dynamic-high resistance */
#define DYNLOW 2 /* dynamic-low resistance */
#define POWER 3 /* resist. for power calculation (unused) */
#define R_TYPES 3 /* number of resistance contexts */
/* Define TRUE and FALSE values */
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
/* Possible simulator status */
#define NORM_SIM 0 /* normal mode */
#define INCR_SIM 01 /* incremental mode */
#define OUT_OF_MEM 02 /* out of memory flag */
/* Event Types (for incremental simulation only) */
#define IS_INPUT 0x1 /* event makes node input */
#define IS_XINPUT 0x2 /* event terminates input */
#define REVAL 0x0 /* result of re-evaluation */
#define DECAY_EV 0x1 /* node is decaying to X */
#define PUNTED 0x3 /* previously punted event */
/* events > THREAD are NOT threaded into node structure */
#define THREAD 0x3
#define PENDING 0x4 /* pending from last run */
#define STIMULI 0x8 /* self-schedulled stimuli */
#define CHECK_PNT 0x10 /* next change in history */
#define DELAY_CHK 0x20 /* delayed CHECK_PNT */
#define DELAY_EV 0x40 /* last REVAL was delayed */
#define CHNG_MODEL 0x80 /* change evaluation model */
/* Conversion macros between various time units */
#define d2ns( D ) ( (D) * 0.1 ) /* deltas to ns */
#define d2ps( D ) ( (D) * 100.0 ) /* deltas to ps */
#define ns2d( N ) ( (N) * 10.0 ) /* ns to deltas */
#define ps2d( P ) ( (P) * 0.01 ) /* ps to deltas */
#define ps2ns( P ) ( (P) * 0.001 ) /* ps to ns */